Sudanese Moments: The World You Don’t See


interview with Eniko Nagy, the author behind the Sand in my Eyes book that covers the orals traditions and sayings of some 45 ethnic Sudanese tribes

one small window...

Enikö Nagy at work Enikö Nagy at work

 One of the largest countries in Africa and the world, very little is known about contemporary Sudan. In 2006, German social worker Enikö Nagy went to Sudan to work for the DED (German development agency) on capacity-building projects with NGOs and rural communities in Kordofan state. Inspired by the people she met and their unique way of life, she set out to document the everyday rituals, colours and sounds of life in Sudan over a number of years. During this time, Sudan became two states. Some of the regions she travelled to for her bookSand in My Eyes: Sudanese Moments (published 2014), such as South Kordofan and Blue Nile State, are currently inaccessible due to conflict. I put some questions to the photographer & author about Sudan, her inspiration, the process of putting such a unique book together, and the relevance of orality and…

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